This story takes place in 1961 on Tristan da Cunha, the most remote island in the world, where the inherent eruption of its volcano forces an isolated community to leave their home and move to industrial England.
In the same way that Tristan da Cunha’s ground of black volcanic sand is pulsing, two big platforms were stirred by the ensemble throughout the show, working not only as a design solution to the problems proposed by the play and the space, but also as one of the main storytelling devices.
In the same way that Tristan da Cunha’s ground of black volcanic sand is pulsing, two big platforms were stirred by the ensemble throughout the show, working not only as a design solution to the problems proposed by the play and the space, but also as one of the main storytelling devices.
Play by Zinnie Harris
@ The Atlas Room, NY, 2021
Directed by Kareem Fahmy
Scenic design: Tatiana Kahvegian
Lighting design by Betsy Chester
Costume design by Lukas Waßman
Sound design by German Martinez
Stage manager Liz Haroian
Photos by Ella Bromblin
@ The Atlas Room, NY, 2021
Directed by Kareem Fahmy
Scenic design: Tatiana Kahvegian
Lighting design by Betsy Chester
Costume design by Lukas Waßman
Sound design by German Martinez
Stage manager Liz Haroian
Photos by Ella Bromblin
Left: movement of the scenery during Act 1, shown in the scale model / Right: movement of the scenery during Intermission and Act 2, shown in the scale model.